A gal in my ward took some pictures, and I can't begin to describe how excited about the pictures I am. She did a fabulous job!!! If you are looking for a photographer for a great price, let me know, I'll share her info!
Caleb is 6 weeks old, and was nearly 12 lbs at his one month appointment. He is continuing to round out and is still a cuddly little boy. I've carried him a few times in the baby sling, and he is quite content to sleep against my front for a few hours at a time. He eats well, and is getting better about sleeping when I want to sleep. I'm generally getting up once to feed him during the night, although there are often exceptions to that. It may also help that Caleb likes to be very awake and alert until midnight, so our nights start later than I'd prefer.

Caleb is starting to smile at us more often when we interact with him. He also is getting stronger as he lifts his head off my shoulder.
Joshua is settling into a routine with having a baby brother at home. He is a big help and is always getting better.