10 October 2009

Provo Adventures: 2/8

All in all, this week has been MUCH better than week 1. I have a better grip on life, if nothing else. Some of the week's milestones:
  1. Joshua graduated from newborn diapers to size 1
  2. Joshua is smiling more often. Does he mean it? Don't ask me, I can't tell.
  3. Joshua has begun to have fatty rolls on his legs.
  4. Benjamin and Emily finally both have a webcam.
Here's what we've been up to:
Smiling @ 7 weeks

Sometimes, we sleep after
early-morning meals.

Emily went to FrighMares at Lagoon.
Roller-coasters are the best!

Check out the roll!

Two down.


  1. dang that is one cute boy.
    takes after his mama.

  2. nonono, you've got it all wrong, and you KNOW it! you charmer.

  3. Oh I love those rolls!!! And good job on catching a picture of that little smile. What a cutie!!


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