03 December 2010

Christmas Tree Drama

We picked out our Christmas tree this past weekend. We found a place to cut our own, and had fun bringing it home. We set it up, lit it, and started with ornaments.

About an hour after we finished decorating it, we heard a huge crash. We found this:

We called in for some reinforcements, and had some help re-fitting our tree into a larger base. But it still kept falling to one side.

We discovered upon further investigation that the trunk of our beautiful tree is not in the center of the branches. The tree is definitely growing fuller on one side, despite the symmetric appearance.

If you look closely, you'll see some fishing line holding our tree to our window, preventing it from diving into our room again. But don't look too closely...

We restrung the lights, and waited to see if the tree would flop again. We may have lost our energy to decorate a tree this year....But this morning, we finally put ornaments back on the tree, and it is beautiful.


  1. I thought you were going to say that Joshua had pulled it over! It looks like a lovely tree, even if it is somewhat unbalanced!

  2. oh my heavens what a headache! we missed you at the Christmas party this year ;( hope things are going well!

  3. oh what a mess! that is crazy. we fishing lined supported our tree last year also, just bacause zachary was being such a hazard. looks like a lot of fun to go pick it out! cute little boy picture!


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