With all this background information, I was discussing something with one of the other adults in nursery this week. I glanced around, and mentioned I'd better go make sure Lily wasn't hitting on my man, and looked across the room right in time to see Lily plant one right on his cheek. Needless to say, I dashed over there, as quickly as I could and asked her (hopefully politely) what she thought she was doing. She put her finger to her mouth and told me to "Shh! He's sleeping." So...I hurriedly told her that only his "true love" can make him wake up. She kissed him again. Benjamin (he's a smart one, and could see the jealousy in my eyes) lay still, very very still. I told her I'd try, and gave him a little kiss RIGHT ON THE LIPS (which Lily said later was the "magic kiss"). To my joy, he instantly woke up.
I realized that maybe I shouldn't have even said anything, because maybe we shouldn't introduce kissing games in nusery...but Lily's mom thought it was very funny. Next it was Lily's turn to be asleep, and she wouldn't wake up when I kissed her hand. I'm fairly certain she was waiting for Benjamin to try to wake her up. Luckily, one of the little boys needed help fixing a train track or something, and Benjamin was distracted.
The next week, as far as I know, there was no kissing happening in nursery. But maybe Benjamin didn't tell me for a reason...Picture of Benjamin and his weekend girlfriend below...