06 April 2009

Is that what I think it was?!?

Are you sure that 20 weeks is the halfway point in pregnancy? I mean, do I really look halfway there? I'm only 19 weeks, but I have lots of popping out to do, don't I? And eating meals still does have a big impact on how much I'm sticking out. And in public, when I don't wear a tight shirt, people still don't "notice" that I'm pregnant.
We were talking to some friends, and I decided that I must be feeling the baby move, although I have not known it yet. So, over this past weekend, with lots of time sitting and watching Conference, I payed attention to my tummy. And I HAVE been feeling movement. Until now, I think I've been blaming little pokes and shifts on my digestion. Anyone else ever get that feeling? What can I say? The doctor, and other reading materials that I have been finding facts in, have been describing the baby moving as "flutters" and "flitters." Sorry, that sounds really dainty and delicate, and I have definitely NOT been feeling dainty or delicate. Those words always make me think of the twitter-patted segment of Bambi or something. Or like my heart will skip a beat or alter speeds or something. Odd. So....I guess I should ask people "Describe a 'flutter' to me" or "If I were to experience a 'flitter,' would I expect my heart to speed up?" (I'll put my ethnographic interview skills to work here....Yeah grad school.)

And what's even better than me feeling the baby move is that Benjamin has felt the movements, too! Either we're both making it up, or one of us is just so convincing that the other can't deny the sensations. It's fun to lay on my back, and try to relax, clear my mind, and feel a poke in my lower tummy. Almost like a gentle flick from the inside. How else have the ladies out there noticed early baby movements? I'm curious what sorts of words are better to describe this process.

ps: if you haven't voted yet, there are only a few days left to do so! Let us know what you vote!!


  1. Gas. I totally thought baby movements were gas.

  2. awesome...that takes care of another confessions i have never made to anyone...Benjamin will be relieved!!

  3. I know nothing on this topic, but you're so cute! How exciting. You are halfway there!

  4. I agree, If I ended up having gas we decided it was gas. If no gas came... we decided it was the baby. :)

  5. after you have the baby you will feel a gas bubble and think for a half a second "oh, there is the baby moving" before you remember that you are all alone inside again (i mean all alone in a good way). it feels exactly the same. just like a little pop or movement.

  6. Just wait til you can actually SEE the movements through your shirt! That was my favorite part! And I started to really pop in the last two months so don't worry, the big-ness is yet to come!! You look adorable!!

  7. Em!! You look so good!! You will pop out soon enough, don't worry about it. Enjoy the more comfortable stages of pregnancy while you still can! If you want to know for sure your baby (I vote GIRL by the way) is moving, eat something (preferrebly sugary) and lay down on your back. You'll definatley feel, and maybe even see your little kicker goin'.

  8. I agree- the "fluttering" I always read about in books did remind me of something very dainty. At first, I think Brooklyn moving felt more like she was flicking my innards. Later the movements were much more prounounced-- like there was a boxing match going on inside me. I'm sure you're feeling him move. And how fun!
    You'll pop before too long, enjoy your cute baby bump before it's too big to handle. Just kidding, you might not get that big. :)


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