We don't have a scale in our bathroom. But we do have Wii Fit. Santa brought it two years ago. We've had a blast charting our weight since then, especially through my pregnancy and following it. We created a Mii for Joshua, and have watched his weight increase, and maintain for the past 7 months.

Today, I reached a goal of mine. I have been working on it off and on while chasing a 15 month old, working half-time, trying to continue to make noticeable improvements to our partially "set up" home, being in the Primary presidency at church, etc. I hit an all-time low on my weight, since April. Wohoo!! And April was the first time I hit this target since before Joshua was born. I figure April was the peak of nursing, and it's only been downhill since then. Well, I guess my weight has been a little uphill...
Anyway, congratulations to ME!!
(the hola-hoop should remind some of you of some
super funny memories we have together...)
(*photos borrowed from Nintendo)